Flavietto 20: IMG_2142
Flavietto 20: IMG_20140706_125857
marinela 2008: Autumn Colours
marinela 2008: Black Swans
marinela 2008: Swan Love
marinela 2008: Nasturtium Drops
marinela 2008: Macro of the Day
csi3237: Hawaiian Sea Turtle
Jabi Artaraz: Haya ante el resplandor
marinela 2008: Sky Reflections
Nana ;-)): The first awesome thing i have done ;-)p!!
Claudia Gaiotto: la linea sottile tra natura e tecnologia...
junku: img2406
Hermioneblk: Lassie in the Sun
www.albertg.net: www.albertg.net_09377
Claudia Gaiotto: 5° Chakra VISHUDDHI
Claudia Gaiotto: "ragazzi, io sarei per spuntare un pochino le unghie di Bisou...poi fate voi...."
Dave Careless: backlight
Claudia Gaiotto: 2° Chakra - SWADHISHTANA
Beppe Modica: turiste per caso ...
kern.justin: These Rugged Places — Ruby Beach, Olympic National Park
marfis75: stripes (cc)
Claudia Gaiotto: 4° Chakra ANAHATA
rita vita finzi: Still Life
Eleonora G.: Air of Summer