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MNA preserve photo by john b.1
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john b.1
MNA's Newaygo Prairie preserve
john b.1
MNA's Newaygo Prairie preserve
john b.1
racoon in tree 010
john b.1
racoon in tree 006
john b.1
racoon in tree 002
john b.1
MNA's Newaygo Prairie preserve
john b.1
Geum triflorum - Prairie Smoke
john b.1
Geum triflorum - Prairie Smoke
john b.1
Viola pedata - Bird's-foot violet
john b.1
Litherspermum canescens - Hoary Puccoon
john b.1
Cobweb skipper
john b.1
Bumblebee nectaring on un-opened Prairie Smoke blossom
john b.1
Phlox pilosa - Prairie Phlox
john b.1
Viola pedata - Bird's-foot violet
john b.1
Prickly Pear cactus
john b.1
Tephrosia virginiana - Goat's Rue
john b.1
Platanthera leucophaea - Eastern Prairie-fringed Orchid LT E G3 S1
john b.1
Big Valley burn Spring '11
john b.1
Big Valley burn Spring '11
john b.1
Big Valley burn Spring '11
john b.1
Big Valley burn Spring '11
john b.1
Big Valley burn Spring '11
john b.1
Big Valley burn Spring '11
john b.1
Big Valley burn Spring '11 - Matt, Katherine, Don R.
john b.1
Big Valley burn Spring '11
john b.1
Asclepias hirtella - Tall Green Milkweed (state Endangered) at the MNA Saginaw Wetlands preserve
john b.1
Helienium autumnale - Common Sneezeweed
john b.1
Aster sp.
john b.1
Spiranthes magnicamporum - Prairie Ladie's Tresses
john b.1
Baltimore Checkerspot on Michigan Lily
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