john b.1: me Newaygo
john b.1: Karner first flight Rockford 2009
john b.1: IMG_20130705_163020_794
john b.1: Bufo fowleri - Fowler's toad
john b.1: wasp on Monarda punctata - Dotted Horsemint
john b.1: Papilio glaucus - Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (nectaring on Monarda fistulosa).
john b.1: Picture 222-crop
john b.1: Mint moth on an aster
john b.1: Chimophila maculata - Striped Wintergreen (in abundance)
john b.1: Mint moth
john b.1: Tephrosia virginiana - Goat's rue
john b.1: Cacaelia (now Arnoglossum) atroplicifolia
john b.1: Picture 209
john b.1: Picture 162
john b.1: Skipper on Hoary puccoon
john b.1: Sistrurus catanetus
john b.1: September 2012 029
john b.1: September 2012 022
john b.1: September 2012 021
john b.1: September 2012 018
john b.1: Belmont fen - male Eastern Box Turtle
john b.1: Hoary Puccoon and Porcupine Grass
john b.1: Hesperostipa avenacea - Porcupine Grass (and Hoary Puccoon)
john b.1: Handwicking Smooth Brome - you can see Lupine and Flowering Spurge plants (amongst others) that were spared by this tedious, and very selective herbicide application technique.
john b.1: Handwicking Smooth Brome - you can see Lupine and Flowering Spurge plants (amongst others) that were spared by this tedious, and very selective herbicide application technique.
john b.1: Jupiter Ave. caterpillar - May 30 2012
john b.1: June 9 Jupiter Ave. 017
john b.1: Asclepia amplexicaulis - Clasping Milkweed
john b.1: Clasping milkweed