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various Michigan nature by john b.1
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john b.1
Mantis Buckeye deathmatch
john b.1
Buckeye on Joe-pye Weed at Meinert Co. Park
john b.1
john b.1
Eupatorium perfoliatum - common Boneset
john b.1
Cirsium pitcheri - Pitcher's Thistle
john b.1
Nordhouse dunes - Lithospermum caroliniense (Hairy Puccoon)
john b.1
Lake Michigan at Nordhouse Dunes - Pitcher's thistle, Marram grass
john b.1
Nordhouse Dunes - Litherspermum caroliniense - Hairy Puccoon in abundance
john b.1
Cream Wild Indigo - Prairie Rhonde 020
john b.1
Cecopria moth - I reared 20 from larvae to cocoon, which I then overwintered outdoors zip-tied to a tree. The next June they hatched over a 3-4 day period.
john b.1
May 15 2010 034
john b.1
Bumblebee nectaring on un-opened Prairie Smoke blossom
john b.1
Geum triflorum - Prairie Smoke
john b.1
Geum triflorum - Prairie Smoke
john b.1
Viola pedata - Bird's-foot violet
john b.1
Litherspermum canescens - Hoary Puccoon
john b.1
Cobweb skipper
john b.1
Phlox pilosa - Prairie Phlox
john b.1
Viola pedata - Bird's-foot violet
john b.1
Woods on 44th and Kent Trail - behind huge church (9)
john b.1
2008 533
john b.1
Grey hairstreak
john b.1
Woods on 44th and Kent Trail - behind huge church (6)
john b.1
Female eastern Box Turtle
john b.1
2008 278
john b.1
john b.1
Monarch larva
john b.1
Eastern Tiger swallowtai with probing proboscis nectaring on crown vetch
john b.1
2008 421
john b.1
Predator and prey
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