Orimin: Origami Whale
Daniboy: cucumber sandwiches
Beth's Origami: Circus Elephant, my design, one uncut square, April, 2015
Beth's Origami: Toucan (variation of the cardinal), one uncut square, my design, May, 2015.
Beth's Origami: Mammoth, one uncut square, my design, May, 2015.
Beth's Origami: Shark, one uncut square, May, 2015. Inspired by Mr Fish from #joao_charrua.
GILGADO ORIGAMI: "ya si eso, vuelvo otro día..."
Daniboy: ribbon sandwiches
rebecccaravelry: House - Maekawa
vania passos: Campainhas
vania passos: Campainhas
Daniboy: natureza morta
GILGADO ORIGAMI: conejo rabbit coelho lapin untxe conill (gilgado 2012)
GILGADO ORIGAMI: conejo rabbit coelho lapin untxe conill (gilgado 2012)
GILGADO ORIGAMI: conejo rabbit coelho lapin untxe conill (gilgado 2012)
Carlos N. Molina - Paper Art: Twisted Paper Ribbon in Green
rebecccaravelry: Elephant Minor
Owrigami: Wind Rose Module
Katrin Ray: Remembrance Day Origami Poppy
Joseph Wu Origami: More #Plants vs #Zombies #origami for my son: #puffshroom, #sunshroom, #fumeshroom, #tallnut and #wallnut
Carlos N. Molina - Paper Art: Shadowfolds projects
Leno Smart: DSC00097