N8tiveB: DIY Wine Valentine
N8tiveB: { Vintage Sewing Machine } Tattoo
N8tiveB: She's Sew Crafty Tattoo
N8tiveB: Do the Snow Globe Happy Dance!
N8tiveB: Examine the snowfall.
N8tiveB: Snow Globe Gift
N8tiveB: Make homemade snow globes.
N8tiveB: Make homemade snow globes.
N8tiveB: Make homemade snow globes.
N8tiveB: Mickey Mouse Woody Ears from Disney World.
N8tiveB: Thanksgiving Lad.
N8tiveB: Sock Cozy Pop. Hand crocheted coffee cup cozy.
N8tiveB: Hand crocheted Rasta Sock Monkey Hat
N8tiveB: The Letter F formed by matchbox cars.
N8tiveB: Teeter Totter Tot's first craft show display.
N8tiveB: Craft show table display.
N8tiveB: Teeter Totter Tot's first craft show table display.
N8tiveB: Banner designed by me.
N8tiveB: Being silly in his new big boy carseat.
N8tiveB: Artwork Hung on curtain rod in kitchen.
N8tiveB: Bulldogs & Boy
N8tiveB: Frida Kahlo costume. 2011.
N8tiveB: Mamacita B meets Frida
N8tiveB: Viva la Frida! My Halloween costume 2011.
N8tiveB: Frida Admiration
N8tiveB: Hand crocheted Yoda Hat
N8tiveB: Wise Jedi Master Yoda
N8tiveB: Yoda Costume with Crochet Hat
N8tiveB: Light Saber Master Yoda
N8tiveB: Yoda Costume Three Claw Feet