edwardbowthorpe: IMG_3787
CrazyBugLady: Green Tiger Beetle!
Peter Quinn1: Lochan na h'Achlaise
Peter Quinn1: Old Man of Storr
Peter Quinn1: Lochan na h-Achlaise
Peter Quinn1: Storm Kathleen hits Portreath
Peter Quinn1: Short-eared Owl
Peter Quinn1: Lone Tree at Midnight
Derbyshire Harrier: Early Purple Orchid
Derbyshire Harrier: King Of The Dandelions
Derbyshire Harrier: Adder's-tongue Fern
roly2008.: European wall lizard
roly2008.: Green lizard
roly2008.: That's it....I'm off!!!
roly2008.: Dog stinkhorn
roly2008.: Devils fingers
roly2008.: Aniseed funnel
roly2008.: Blusher
roly2008.: Stinking inkcap
roly2008.: larch boletus
DJB Dorset Days: Sand Lizard ; male : Purbeck
DJB Dorset Days: Male Black Darter and mating pair ; Purbeck heathland
Patrick Laferl: Araschnia levana f. levana (female)
Mark S Searle: Stonechat (M)
Bob Eade: Burnt Orchids (Neotinea ustulata).
John Balcombe: Slender Parasol (Macrolepiota mastoidea)
ni kon ninja: Holly blue nectaring
Pam P Photos: Stonechat male
ni kon ninja: Silver-spotted skipper resting