aa_just_thowt: Spaced Out!
aa_just_thowt: Stand in the wet queue for 2 hours - or not...
aa_just_thowt: Barcelona Viewpoint!
My Shutter Shots: Tranquil waters flow triptych
aa_just_thowt: Ah Yes, Barcelona..
Justin in SD: The Perfect Sunset at Mission Bay
aa_just_thowt: Ah Yes, Barcelona..
aa_just_thowt: Ah Yes, Majorca..
aa_just_thowt: Ah Yes, Marjorca...
pedro lastra: Sunrise Water Lily, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden.
Jesús 56: Gira-sols
pearl.winch: ORANGE ROSE
JarHTC: In a glass cage
Marvin Bredel: star trails around the north star
JarHTC: Expression
Extra Medium: Your Future From Above
Clement Tang *: Monet's waterlily pond at Giverny.
Marta Ruiz Audiovisual: "No hay nada más bonito que la sonrisa de un niño"
Clovis Camozzi: Silver pheasant (Lophura nycthemera), Faisão Prateado
T.ye: Angry Eagle 神雕
Rouge_Lucifer: Holiday snapshots - Triberger Wasserfälle
aa_just_thowt: Spinnin' Around...
JarHTC: Glow inside the rainbow
J_Richard_Link: nasturtium flower
danniepolley: P7160092 copy
Allen Castillo: Gypsy Flute
San2025jp: best moment
aa_just_thowt: Severn...
ANKURSABS: closing time.