T.G.L: Vinter Arden
Shannon_Taylor: Goldfish in the Fall
Shannon_Taylor: Opinions, Please
milkywayblythe: Custom Cry Blythe Piccadilly Dolly
milkywayblythe: Custom Merry Skier
Shannon_Taylor: Now Looking for Home
Cyrielle 1: Lovely teeth...
Cyrielle 1: Wonderfull!
Lonely Sarah: Lorelei
megipupu: my whole Blythe family at the mo'
snow638739: DSC_0059
snow638739: DSC_0605
warusoneko: Neo Blythe "Bohemian Peace"
my best friend'09: my best friend'09 custom blythe pullip taeyang del bjd
cybermelli: dude..... i have 10 heather skys.... so, you know i can't pass this girl up! -- Manuheali'i Paradise Girl
aveuch: Hair
laetitia92: violette
TamsArt*: Colourful Bunnies....
Helena / Funny Bunny: The neon color ladies
Shannon_Taylor: Reintroduction #1 - 21/365 ADAD
Shannon_Taylor: Yellow Diptch - 297/365 ADAD
Shannon_Taylor: Hair Like a Sunset
Shannon_Taylor: Orange Diptych - 288/365 ADAD
Shannon_Taylor: Trixie Sorbet is Pretty
Shannon_Taylor: The Light is Gonna Get Me - 301/365 ADAD
*babykitty*: Little mermaid
blythe stole my heart: Introducing.........Georgia Peach, my first custom...........