Zenny Zenn:
Zenny Zenn:
Blue Lucas:
Blue Lucas:
Opéra de Paris
♥ Minnie | Photography ♥:
[Explored] La Vita è Bella
Blue Lucas:
Tour Eiffel
♥ Minnie | Photography ♥:
[Explored][Bonus] Daydreaming
♥ Minnie | Photography ♥:
[Bonus] Daydreaming
♥ Minnie | Photography ♥:
[Explored] Silence is a girl's loudest cry
♥ Minnie | Photography ♥:
[Bonus] A Long Journey
Zenny Zenn:
Oc's belated birthday
♥ Minnie | Photography ♥:
[Explored] A Long Journey
Nấm Colorful:
♥ Minnie | Photography ♥:
Miss you
[By] Hiệp sĩ đội mũ phớt:
I'm autumn ♥.
♥ Minnie | Photography ♥:
[Bonus] Self portrait
♥ Minnie | Photography ♥:
This is me
♥ Minnie | Photography ♥:
Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart
[By] Hiệp sĩ đội mũ phớt:
I'm autumn ♥.
[By] Hiệp sĩ đội mũ phớt:
I'm autumn ♥.
[By] Hiệp sĩ đội mũ phớt:
Black Swan
♥ Minnie | Photography ♥:
[Explored] As for me, to love you alone, to make you happy, to do nothing which would contradict your wishes, this is my destiny and the meaning of my life
Phương Anh ♥:
"Anh đẹp troai đâu mất roàiiiiii T____T "