jim.landover2: 1-5e38385c407fb7cc5318f3e1689ca9e7
jim.landover2: 370787240_6_BBgt
jim.landover2: 1-0041cd61479f3ef15cff838ddd07c527
jim.landover2: 1-7a23598a16cabf938f3497d41b781e26
jim.landover2: 492766033_6_15cQ
jim.landover2: 1-dc61a824a42cb5f2136adf0489c2451a
jim.landover2: 1-479807f792422fc6e094a153d4af2fc6
jim.landover2: 193879293JwBEAG_ph.jpg
jim.landover2: 216815638rjgHdT_ph.jpg
jim.landover2: 238718263CwBSvZ_ph.jpg
jim.landover2: 238717537kOHCti_ph.jpg
jim.landover2: mal and i at MARS 2112 , one of my fav. NYC restaurants.
jim.landover2: golfing
jim.landover2: polo sweaters...who's more ralphie...i think the answer is pretty obviiiii
jim.landover2: get out your polos!!
jim.landover2: PREPPY haha were dorks
jim.landover2: fav polo..
jim.landover2: Lisa and I
jim.landover2: Megs, Lisa, Vuch and Me
jim.landover2: mandy! (framed
jim.landover2: Me, Jeff, and Jess copy
jim.landover2: 280401159KnpuHA_ph
jim.landover2: me mom and tripp in the hotel in San Francisco
jim.landover2: Me and Tripp on our first night after dinner
jim.landover2: doublemint twins
jim.landover2: 1-459b885165119d15
jim.landover2: 1-ce15ab08e3b8abd45cff838ddd07c527