A-Jay: The city celebrates St.patty’s day
A-Jay: Looking inside, looking outside...
A-Jay: The clouds scraped by
A-Jay: At the gas station
A-Jay: Afternoon blues
A-Jay: I remember that red chair
A-Jay: City abstract - 17
A-Jay: City abstract - 16
A-Jay: Wood painting
A-Jay: City abstract - 21
A-Jay: City abstract - 26
A-Jay: Bark symphony
A-Jay: Water instruments
A-Jay: City abstract - 14
A-Jay: Road painting
A-Jay: Spilling its colors...
A-Jay: The back of the boat
A-Jay: ...Milkbulb?
A-Jay: City abstract - 11
A-Jay: City abstract - 9
A-Jay: City abstract - 7
A-Jay: Balancing act
A-Jay: City abstract - 23
A-Jay: It’s just how the light fell...
A-Jay: The light had a mind of its own.
A-Jay: The pot cover turns to art...
A-Jay: A piece of the sky
A-Jay: Mysterious waters
A-Jay: No place to hide
A-Jay: The arrangement