entireleaves: First view of the Eden Project domes as you enter.
entireleaves: Interior of the mediterranean climate dome.
entireleaves: Protea sp.
entireleaves: Cute educational signage
entireleaves: California wildflower meadow
entireleaves: Sculptures depicting Bacchus
entireleaves: Closeup of one of the partying Bacchus revelers.
entireleaves: Close up of Calocephalus brownii
entireleaves: Giant Alliums (A. gigantea or a culitvar) with the tropical domes as a backdrop.
entireleaves: Dome ceiling
entireleaves: English robin
entireleaves: Amorphophallus titanum
entireleaves: Tropical Dome
entireleaves: View of the tropical dome from above.
entireleaves: Lavender display.
entireleaves: I think a Lavandula angustifolia cultivar.
entireleaves: I've amassed quite a collection of lavenders in my new garden. I think I have most of the species represented here.
entireleaves: WEEE man sculpture (kind of like a big scary dinosaur).
entireleaves: Bog garden with domes in the background.
entireleaves: Rosa moyesii
entireleaves: Bog plants
entireleaves: A red themed border
entireleaves: One of the large mixed borders.
entireleaves: Me with my siblings. I tricked them into smiling.
entireleaves: View of the domes from above.