entireleaves: Back Protea/Succulent Border
entireleaves: Aloe capitata var. quarziticola
entireleaves: Echeveria 'Bluebird'
entireleaves: Echeveria cante
entireleaves: Echeveria cante
entireleaves: Ceropegia × rothii
entireleaves: Ceropegia ampliata
entireleaves: Aloe capitata var. quarziticola
entireleaves: Bc. Duh's White ' Pink Candy '
entireleaves: Lagenandra meeboldii 'Red'
entireleaves: Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae
entireleaves: cuphea 'Strybing Sunset'
entireleaves: Protea 'Brenda'
entireleaves: Geranium 'Rozanne'
entireleaves: Proserpinaca palustris
entireleaves: Protea 'Brenda'
entireleaves: Centradenia floribunda
entireleaves: Drone photo of my house and yard.
entireleaves: Utricularia graminifolia
entireleaves: Banksia caleyi
entireleaves: Cuphea 'Funny Face' seedling that is engulfing the original plant.
entireleaves: Cuphea 'Funny Face' original plant
entireleaves: Later in the season the seeding has all but taken over. There isn't much of the original pink flowered form left.
entireleaves: Cuphea 'Funny Face' can still see the original pink form at the front and the more vigorous seedling behind it.
entireleaves: Cuphea 'Funny Face' when first planted up. You can see the sneaky seedling in the back left corner of the pot.
entireleaves: Cuphea view from my office window
entireleaves: Cuphea 'Strybing Sunset'
entireleaves: Cuphea 'Hummingbird's Lunch'
entireleaves: Cuphea schumannii and Nicotiana langsdorfii
entireleaves: Cuphea 'Cubano Presidente'