Joaquin Beltran Albiach:
Joaquin Beltran Albiach:
Dominique Dierick:
Crescent Moon on August 29
Dafydd RJ Phillips:
Dominique Dierick:
Minutes before the occultation of Saturn by the moon on Aug 21
Dominique Dierick:
Perseid meteors on Aug. 12-13
György Soponyai:
György Soponyai:
Green Flash
György Soponyai:
Aurora above Hungary
György Soponyai:
Moonset in 5 Minutes
Peter the Fraudfinder:
The Andromeda galaxies, M31, M32 and M110
Dominique Dierick:
Sunset over Clavius
Dominique Dierick:
Sunrise over Orontius, Maginus and Moretus craters in high resolution
Dominique Dierick:
Tranquility Base, landing site of Apollo 11
Dominique Dierick:
Northern mountain chains and rilles on the moon in high resolution. Apollo 15 site near Hadley Rilles.
Dominique Dierick:
From Ptolemaeus to Deslandres craters in high resolution
Peter the Fraudfinder:
Moon mosaic 16th April
Dominique Dierick:
Moon on April 14, best seen full size
Dafydd RJ Phillips:
Dominique Dierick:
The changing face of the moon, Dec. 27 and March 24
Dominique Dierick:
Sun in Ha light on March 4
Dominique Dierick:
Sun in Ha light on March 4
Epiphany Appleseed:
Snow Moon Duck Alert
Epiphany Appleseed:
Early Birds Caught the Snow Moon
Snow moon of February 2024 Over the Skies of Kyotanabe.
Epiphany Appleseed:
Early Birds Caught the Snow Moon Setting
Epiphany Appleseed:
Early Bird Caught the Snow Moon