Axel Bührmann: An Agulhas Sunset
PerAnd1: Endangered Afican Pinguins On Dyer Island - Outside The Cape Coast - South Afica
Axel Bührmann: October sunrise
Axel Bührmann: On a clear day you can see all the way West
Cláudio Dias Timm: Carqueja-de-escudo-vermelho (Fulica rufifrons)
adamrainoff: Andean Motmot Alejandria Cali Valle del Cauca Colombia
David Ascanio (VENT & Ascanio Birding Tours): Magnificent Frigatebird_Fregata magnificens_Guyana_Ascanio_DZ3A4522
San Jorge Eco-Tours: Flame faced Tanager (Tangara parzudakii)
Oleg Nomad: Садовый трупиал, Icterus spurius, Orchard Oriole