Poshster: Don't mess with the best
Poshster: Peace man
Poshster: Waking up in the morning
Poshster: He went that way. I had nothing to do with it.
Poshster: Fingers crossed
Poshster: I'm mad!
Poshster: Strong!
Poshster: Tough guy
Poshster: I've got the loot!
Poshster: How do you open this thing?
Poshster: How am I supposed to eat this?
Poshster: I've got a hostage!
Poshster: Surrender or else
Poshster: Me and Geran fighting droids
Poshster: Grate
Poshster: Junk Mail
Poshster: kid fry
Poshster: Indiana Fry and the kingdom of frys
Poshster: Cruella de fry
Poshster: spider fry
Poshster: fry chick
Poshster: iron fry