anricat: Houses of Parliament and Big Ben
anricat: Changing of the Guard
anricat: Westminster Abbey
anricat: Changing of the Guard
anricat: Changing of the Guard
anricat: Westminster Abbey
anricat: Westminster Abbey
anricat: bird on the Thames
anricat: Changing of the Guard
anricat: Changing of the Guard
anricat: Buckingham Palace in the background
anricat: Tower of London
anricat: London Bridge
anricat: London Eye
anricat: Tower of London
anricat: Raven at Tower of London
anricat: Tower Bridge seen from Tower of London
anricat: Guards at Tower of London
anricat: at the top of the Nativity Tower at La Sagrada Familia
anricat: view from the Nativity tower at La Sagrada Familia
anricat: interior of La Sagrada Familia
anricat: Cathedral of Barcelona
anricat: staircase at La Sagrada Familia
anricat: Plaça de Sant Felip Neri
anricat: Font de la Portaferrissa
anricat: interior of La Sagrada Familia
anricat: old city wall of Barcelona
anricat: Passion facade of La Sagrada Familia
anricat: pastry shop in Barcelona
anricat: Nativity facade of La Sagrada Familia