inkbase: Happy New Years to you and yours. First hike of the year is done and dusted.
inkbase: Spent yesterday in an ice fishing hut. Not much luck though.
inkbase: Preflight check for a weekend trip to Tofino. #coldwater
inkbase: My hiking buddies on Mt. Seymour.
inkbase: Partner in crime.
inkbase: Mother & Daughter
inkbase: Good day of exploration today.
inkbase: Bouldering night with the kids.
inkbase: Happy Canada Day, hosers.
inkbase: Used bookstore score. Originally published in the 1850s.
inkbase: The boy in the forest.
inkbase: My wife is all class.
inkbase: My little runner.
inkbase: My big runner.
inkbase: Size does matter, apparently.
inkbase: My daughter's stick collection got a bit of a boost this past weekend.
inkbase: Toasty. #métispride
inkbase: My wife went to New Zealand and all I got was this great vest. #luckyboy
inkbase: Sunday adventuring on Deas Island.
inkbase: Went adventuring with my girl today.
inkbase: Might as well put the kids to work too.
inkbase: Harvest day at the Landry homestead.
inkbase: Super proud of my son for running in his first Terry Fox run today.
inkbase: The kids had a fun time @bcplace
inkbase: Watching TV
inkbase: Birthday sushi
Neal D: 64 Pontiac Bonneville Custom Herse
inkbase: Not shy
inkbase: Shy