Air Adam: Escape.
The Big Dig: The People's Community Garden, Ipswich
meuh1246: Inxy + Marko 93_0350 rue de l'Ourcq Paris 19
big bozo: Lispencie - Manchester
Lawrence Holmes.: DSC_1217-1 Wall Art, Tib St, Manchester, uk
Lawrence Holmes.: DSC_1252-1 Wall Art, Stevenson Square, Manchester, uk
Qbek warrior princess: Quick paint yesterday.
pure evil gallery: I got lost on Fuk Street
pure evil gallery: Stencil and freehand spray paint on canvas #iamaunicorn #rhinosareunicorns
pure evil gallery: More tagging
pure evil gallery: Glowing floor of pure evil gallery renovation
pure evil gallery: Pure evil gallery renovation 2
Qbek warrior princess: proper dreg buster today, ran out of all the browns before the outline was put up. freestyle again in old Trafford.
Qbek warrior princess: quick one today, tried doing two different letter b's in one, but didn't work out too well.
Qbek warrior princess: sketch exchange for ears from down south, didn't take enough white so had to improvise this wondering white outline idea.
Qbek warrior princess: drunken piece before the football yesterday
big bozo: 16 days of Street art Action / Lispencie (detail) - Manchester
patries71: Stelletje/ couple
EXPOSURE ONLINE: Street Art Nov 2011 (8 of 23)
mikejrae: Brown Hare toe cleaning, evening light Lepus europaeus
mikejrae: Brown Hare looking, evening light Lepus europaeus
mikejrae: Little Egret scratching in a tree at Thetford Egretta garzetta
mikejrae: Brown rat eating among autumn leaves in river, Rattus norvegicus
mikejrae: Barn Owl looking down from footpath sign Tyto alba
mikejrae: Barn Owl at dusk looking up Tyto alba
mikejrae: Barn Owl at dusk looking back with vole Tyto alba
mikejrae: Yellow Wagtail on autumn leaves with grub Motacilla Flava