schreiber_adam: TOO SOON
schreiber_adam: Graffiti artists in NYC aren't even afraid of being caught anymore. I just saw a guy drive up in a truck and throw down these tags.
schreiber_adam: Worst-designed elevator control panel in town (the lit button is 52).
schreiber_adam: Now I just want to live in England in 1971.
schreiber_adam: Second baddest tricycle in the whole damn town.
schreiber_adam: I think this pier park isn't finished yet.
schreiber_adam: Long overdue
schreiber_adam: Well, that's just spiteful.
schreiber_adam: Under the bridge downtown / Is where I'll eat some subs
schreiber_adam: NY Times buries the lede, which is something to the effect of "vampires are now allowed to play in the NCAA."
schreiber_adam: @thingface NYC subway window latch #thingface
schreiber_adam: I'm not sure I'm on board with what this new place is serving.
schreiber_adam: @thingface
schreiber_adam: Guess my search for a new book will have to go farther than the first page of Goodreads.
schreiber_adam: That's Not How You Spell... oh, never mind.
schreiber_adam: Now I don't know whether I'm supposed to be afraid of dad-rock or Adam Horovitz.
schreiber_adam: "So, are there actually apartments behind that wall?" "No, that's just a facade." "Thought so." "Really? Most people don't. They're always asking how much the rent is." "Well, there is a FOR RENT sign in the window." "...Yeah."
schreiber_adam: New building tucked into an old facade - really nicely done.
schreiber_adam: For when you just don't want to cantilever your balconies for some reason.
schreiber_adam: Now that's a ramp.
schreiber_adam: @thingface New trend: standpipes modified in real life to accentuate their #thingfaces.
schreiber_adam: I think this is the same Fauxhawk Squirrel I saw last year! Still putting himself on a pedestal.
schreiber_adam: These are not words that need abbreviation.
schreiber_adam: I mean, I'm a season behind and don't really care if I catch up, but I wouldn't say I'm *refusing* to see Walking Dead.
schreiber_adam: It's Casual Friday Thursday!
schreiber_adam: Cool ice lanterns by someone in my neighborhood. Hard to tell the scale from the photo, but they're each about a foot in diameter. And MADE OF ICE.
schreiber_adam: Weird little house = charming little house, by virtue of being in the West Village
schreiber_adam: Long shot, I'll admit.
schreiber_adam: I don't care if your name *is* Reuben. I still don't think you should use that as a pickup line.