crickny: PD_0495
crickny: SarahHowesRose
crickny: Rose (3)
crickny: Rose (2)
crickny: PD_0048
crickny: IMG_4824
crickny: IMG_4800
crickny: 2 Lete,Anna,Jim, Walt, Harry
crickny: 3 Scott Olmstead
crickny: 4 Charles Olmstead
crickny: 5 Ellison Olmstead and wife...?
crickny: 6 Harry and Lete Olmstead
crickny: 7 George Allen, Daughter Katherine, wifeEdith
crickny: 8 Edith OLmstead (Allen) and mother Patricia Mae Olmstead
crickny: 9 Edith Olmstead
crickny: 10 Edith
crickny: 11 Edith
crickny: 12 Edith Olmstead (Allen)
crickny: 13 Harry, Edith, Leon, Florence..Florence is married to Jim Olmstead
crickny: 14 Edith
crickny: 15 Edith
crickny: 16 Walter and Edith Olmstead (Brother and sister)
crickny: 17 Walter and George
crickny: 18 Patty and George Olmstead
crickny: 19 Edith and Mother, Patricia Mae Olmstead
crickny: 20 Patricia Olm., black dress in front...Edith in back with pokadots
crickny: 21 Edith on left
crickny: 22 Leland and Edith OLmstead
crickny: 24 Edith lmstead