El Kite Pics: Yaquina Bay Bridge (Newport Bridge)
El Kite Pics: Cape Blanco Lighthouse
El Kite Pics: Cape Blanco Lighthouse
El Kite Pics: Cape Blanco Lighthouse
El Kite Pics: Wreck of the Peter Iredale
El Kite Pics: Wreck of the Peter Iredale
El Kite Pics: Coquille River Lighthouse
El Kite Pics: Coquille River Lighthouse
El Kite Pics: Coquille River Lighthouse - the Lantern Room
El Kite Pics: Point Cabrillo Lighthouse
El Kite Pics: Point Cabrillo Lighthouse
El Kite Pics: Point Cabrillo Lighthouse
El Kite Pics: Point Cabrillo Lighthouse - the Lantern Room
El Kite Pics: Point Cabrillo Lighthouse
El Kite Pics: Pigeon Point Lighthouse
El Kite Pics: Pigeon Point Lighthouse
El Kite Pics: Pigeon Point Lighthouse - the Lantern Room
El Kite Pics: WSF M/V Kennewick
El Kite Pics: WSF M/V Kennewick
El Kite Pics: WSF M/V Kennewick
El Kite Pics: WSF M/V Kennewick
El Kite Pics: WSF M/V Kennewick
El Kite Pics: WSF M/V Kennewick
El Kite Pics: 10" Gun, Fort Casey
El Kite Pics: WSF M/V Tokitae
El Kite Pics: Mukilteo Lighthouse
El Kite Pics: Mukilteo Lighthouse
El Kite Pics: Mukilteo Lighthouse - the Lantern Room
El Kite Pics: Mukilteo Lighthouse - the Lantern Room
El Kite Pics: Mukilteo Lighthouse - the Lantern Room Roof