AWLSheep: Handy and SHARP!
Kaos2: Sharp…
stopdead2012: Pins and (no) Needles
V A N D E E: Cafe * Bar * Pub
DameBoudicca: Angel in the eternal city (Explored)
PhilDL: Macro Mondays - School Supplies
Emmanuelle2Aime2Ailes: Remue-méninges
Dip's Photography: Essential #SchoolSupplies
esterc1: Hello September!
Jay Berg1: Getting right to the point...
brookis-photography: Polka dots in green
nagyistvan888: Felt Pens
dmh1969: Head out on the highway
Robert's__Photography.: Transcendent light.
Django969: Escape
Django969: Fading Light
Django969: In Perspective
Django969: The Shard
Django969: Morning Glory
claudio.feleppa#OFF: Summer '22 🌞
stopdead2012: Pricks!
John Bowno: The spring tinnitus
Lisa@Lethen: Green and Yellow, Squares and Sparkles ..x
Edd Allen: Dark / Light IV
De bleuz: Mesh of two
S2TDD: Macro Mondays - Mesh
carolahales: Natural Mesh