Bridgette Burr: Maternity
CapturedByKP: Maternity
feastcaterers: wedding_cake
adventurcrazy: "Beautiful Santa Monica Pier At Night"
Kim Kurtz: Minimal Black & White....
nuttallp: black and white boat
James HSC: burliegh heads
Dentsu London: Pixma Shoot
Dentsu London: Pixma Shoot 247/365 - Once upon a time, I fell in love with you (Explore)
katie ruthh: Dear, Lovely. [95/365]
vickiliuliu: Blazing in gold, quenching in purple (explored).
Satoshi H (a.k.a ARCH): iPhone365#203
Rick Nunn: Get Focused
Yousif Aljohar: softly drops"1
virginiaz: another year, another birthday
rainlive: Charlize Theron for Esquire
Meganzii: island in the sun
sosij: 41/365 Lady Grey
virginiaz: a lazy sunday
crustydolphin: 247/CDSPY2 - {out of the shower and into my titfer}
Kc Jacoby Photography LLC: Ken and Elyse's Engagement
.Thumper: They're So Legend
Nukamari: El otoño que me cogió en bañador