deux petites souris: Quilt for MTL MQG Showcase. Improv category.
deux petites souris: Asymmetrical but balanced.
deux petites souris: For an upcoming exhibit by the Montreal MQG.
deux petites souris: minimalist quilt
deux petites souris: Time to quilt! 5 QIPs. All but one will be hand quilted.
deux petites souris: Time for basting!
deux petites souris: Took a class with Sherri Lynn Wood at Quilting by the Lake: Get your curve on.
deux petites souris: Took a class with Sherri Lynn Wood at Quilting by the Lake: Get your curve on.
deux petites souris: Took a class with Sherri Lynn Wood at Quilting by the Lake: Get your curve on.
deux petites souris: Took a class with Sherri Lynn Wood at Quilting by the Lake: Get your curve on.
deux petites souris: Took a class with Sherri Lynn Wood at Quilting by the Lake: Get your curve on.
deux petites souris: Took a class with Sherri Lynn Wood at Quilting by the Lake: Get your curve on.
deux petites souris: Took a class with Sherri Lynn Wood at Quilting by the Lake: Get your curve on.
deux petites souris: Improv strip pieced quilt. Made for client from old clothes. Three generations are in there.
deux petites souris: Quilt by Joe Cunningham at VQF
deux petites souris: Improv strip-piecing
deux petites souris: Improv round-robin quilt top
deux petites souris: Swap items from the Montreal-Ottawa MQG Meet-up
deux petites souris: I was test quilter for Sherri Lynn Wood's upcoming book, Improv Handbook For Modern Quilters" . Blogged:
deux petites souris: Word for 2015. Blogged:
deux petites souris: improv strip piecing: wall hanging, tied with perle cotton.
deux petites souris: quilt for hubby: QAYG
deux petites souris: For Montreal Modern Quilt Guild, modern quilt showcase challenge.
deux petites souris: MMQG modern quilt showcase challenge: Minimalist Design