thehighernest: First Day 5th
thehighernest: Last Day 4th E
thehighernest: First Day 2nd Grade
thehighernest: Last Day 2nd Grade
thehighernest: First Day 3rd Grade
thehighernest: Santa 2016
thehighernest: Super Mario redux, 2016. The Nintendo love is real y'all 👻🎃
thehighernest: bookfair pirate breakfast with my boy
thehighernest: breakfast with these two dudes
thehighernest: end of summer haircut
thehighernest: he may not be the fastest (yet), but he worked SO hard for it; so stoked to get out of the pool this afternoon and be told he's the newest member of the swim team 🏊
thehighernest: my date for the symphony
thehighernest: it just got a little louder around here...
thehighernest: Santa 2014
thehighernest: Santa 2013
thehighernest: Santa 2012
thehighernest: Santa 2009
thehighernest: Santa 2015
thehighernest: Halloween 2015
thehighernest: Halloween 2015 Luigi
thehighernest: nature journaling the neighborhood
thehighernest: superheroes
thehighernest: spent the morning working on addition with carrying and subtraction with regrouping. thanks @sarahenit for the Adapted Mind recommendation! Wesley says he "must" work on math "day and night" - we'll see how long that fervor lasts...
thehighernest: pizza lunch date with this cute goofball
thehighernest: Last Day KBc
thehighernest: Kinder graduation night with Ms. Bracero
thehighernest: Kinder graduation day
thehighernest: pool gator wrestling
thehighernest: toothless 1.12.2015