Linus Cresp: Sunrise 01JAN2024
Linus Cresp: Sunset 31DEC2023
Linus Cresp: Seaford Beach
Linus Cresp: Ice on a black beach
Linus Cresp: On the beach
Linus Cresp: View from Signal Point LHI
Linus Cresp: Green Morning
Linus Cresp: Standing Guard
Linus Cresp: From Joy’s garden
Linus Cresp: Fresh Pumpkin Soup
Linus Cresp: It’s a bit foggy today…
Linus Cresp: 91 years, 1 husband, 10 children, 25 grandchildren, 30 great grandchildren and still counting. And still feisty enough to tell me to pull my head in when required.
Linus Cresp: Looking at the Great Southern Ocean
Linus Cresp: Whilst out walking...
Linus Cresp: Bell 212
Linus Cresp: More from the gorge.
Linus Cresp: Heart Pool