Different Apple: Sidalcea diploscypha with bee
Different Apple: Sonoma Valley Regional Park; March 2018. Just five months after the fires.
Different Apple: Calochortus uniflorus: Sonoma Valley, California
Different Apple: Cannon Beach, OR
Different Apple: Calochortus amabilis
Different Apple: Triteleia laxa
Different Apple: Papilio zelicaon on Chlorogalum pomeridianum
Different Apple: Junonia coenia on Calochortus luteus
Different Apple: Calochortus umbellatus
Different Apple: Lewisia rediviva with Tetranychus urticae
Different Apple: Trinity Lake
Different Apple: Trientalis latifolia
Different Apple: Calochortus albus
Different Apple: Garden buttercup
Different Apple: Nemophilia menziesii
Different Apple: Dipterostemon capitatus
Different Apple: Tolay Lake with Sonoma Mountain
Different Apple: Tolay Lake with Sonoma Mountain
Different Apple: Ardea herodias
Different Apple: Sonoma Regional Park
Different Apple: Hi, everybody!
Different Apple: Sonoma Regional Park
Different Apple: Path through chaparral
Different Apple: 20141220_135139
Different Apple: Catalpa Moon
Different Apple: Poanes melane
Different Apple: Novato has the best buckeye trees
Different Apple: Praying mantis
Different Apple: Unwelcome Bald Eagle