S M P H O T O: laxD3A_9324
brandnewday10: Kitten Silhouette
Davide Vergnano: Lortallo - la chiesa
l.gallier: Feb Afternoon Sky
Bazielevich Andrew: Den cannonball
pawpawgirly: What the heck
*Michelle*(meechelle): Dracula's on the outside looking in..
toinou1210: Rrrrr
suazo3d: Finally! / Por fin!
Mark-of-Cain: Cloudy Lens
Shouka The Orca: Island 274
Zanini H.: Uma janela para o céu (A window for the sky)
pawpawgirly: They are so adorable
Guillermo Armenteros: Estrella en el Manglar
pphdez2000: DSC_0092bis
Marie-Marthe Gagnon: July 1st, Canada Day in Ottawa, the Capital
LelisA: Reflections On Raindrops
thunter1995: _MG_1383
mariaaobrien: Storm at Ponce Inlet Light
Dan & Luiza from TravelPlusStyle.com: Floating in the Maldivian sea
油姬: IMG_8118
muha...: hold me pls...
SteMurray: graveyard
Dennis_Chong: Our Key Largo Sunset