Alucardo: Gone 235/365
Teresa Guzzi_May 26: Felice Compleanno Freddy Adams D90 K.O
Trey Ratcliff: Evening in Chicago
Trey Ratcliff: Globulus Chicagus
Greg Berdan: Backlit Balsamroot - Explored
Jinna van Ringen: Fire in the Sky
CharlesSF: African Lion, Male, "Izu"
I owe my soul...: Imitation red rose (cropped - signature smudged)
I Spy with my Idiosyncratic Eye ...: Pale Pink Rose with Raindrops
Lucid Revolution: rose petal with drops 2
bsheets: 3 Deer
Jordi Brió: La Fageda d'en Jordà a la tardor / Hayedo "d'en Jordà" en otoño/ Jorda's beech wood in autumn
blypix: Splash
Matt Champlin: Fall Morning at Eighth Lake
GioPhotos: violetta
Matt Champlin: Blue and Red
~Pr@k@$h~: Peacock feather in HDR
shmarinuma: Peacock Feather 1
kjhayler: 'Tiger Rising' Fine Art Pencil Drawings
~Haani~: Bye bye 2008
~Haani~: Gazing while taken
GioPhotos: After Midnight!
GioPhotos: SF Carousel
GioPhotos: Summer dreaming
Michaelj89: Immagine 081
Michaelj89: Immagine 184
Michaelj89: Michele Bricca-Tempo 1