Sarah 12: Playing cricket at the Gothic Temple
Sarah 12: The Gothic Temple
Sarah 12: Misty summer mornings
Sarah 12: The Many Temples at Stowe
Sarah 12: Viewing the lake
Sarah 12: Taking baby for walk
Sarah 12: Centuries of wear
Sarah 12: The View From The Tower
Sarah 12: The Gothic Temple
Sarah 12: IMG_8767
Sarah 12: Lily
Sarah 12: Roses
Sarah 12: Rose and lily
Sarah 12: The Living Rainforest
Sarah 12: The Living Rainforest
Sarah 12: The Living Rainforest
Sarah 12: The Living Rainforest
Sarah 12: The Aldworth Giants
Sarah 12: The Aldworth Giants
Sarah 12: Altar Cloth
Sarah 12: St Mary's Church, Aldworth
Sarah 12: Tudor House Museum
Sarah 12: Holyrood Church
Sarah 12: Holyrood Church
Sarah 12: Lacock Abbey
Sarah 12: Lacock Abbey
Sarah 12: Lacock Abbey
Sarah 12: Graffiti from 1603
Sarah 12: Lacock Abbey
Sarah 12: Lacock Abbey