Target Salad:
Some local youth winning the van game
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Mama coyote crossing NM4 on this fine Mother's Day
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Bandelier kid.
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My bro compressing for hella air on my nephews new bike. #HellaAir
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Snail of flight delays, by Aida
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Tour de France too slow. Gonna watch me some ocean and boats. #tdf #tdf2015 #santabarbara
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Young explorer #crestedbutte #snow
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Froggin it.
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Sakura manhole cover #Sakura #manholecover
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Excellent peacock stencil motif, popular with the youngling at the House Industries show at Los Poblanos, Albuquerque #lospoblanos #houseindustries @houseindustries
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House Industries lecture and show at Los Poblanos in Albuquerque #houseindustries #lospoblanos @houseindustries
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Flying the Jolly Roger and directing the kids to the right door. #surly #bigdummy #jollyroger #bikepile #halloween
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New kite day #kite @swiftindustries
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New kite day with Geddo @swiftindustries #kite
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16" pseudo balance bike, still refuses to pedal, getting closer, she is still having fun.
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Freaky weird rainy deluge night in Santa Fe. #santafe #churchything
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Oh yeah, clouds, amped up with some of that IG filter goodness #filters #clouds #losalamos #nm #cloudsbro
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From goat island to the newport bridge
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Orbit! Hugz! #orbit #isotopes #albuquerque #albuquerqueisotopes
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Trap worked
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Lo-fi kite action
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May snows
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Gooney antler baby
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Big trees
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Go! #giants #sanfrancisco #attpark
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Overheard on ocean beach, " look! There's like hella sand dollars here" and so there was #sanddollars #hella
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Action Aida
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Happy Beach Day
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Smashing the wink with love. #wink256
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Mud monster