The Blue Danger Room: Chirrut Imwe
The Blue Danger Room: Chiwetel Ejiofor as Baron Mordo
The Blue Danger Room: Tilda Swinton as The Ancient One
The Blue Danger Room: Benedict Cumberbatch as Stephen Strange
The Blue Danger Room: I believe this is yours, Captain America
The Blue Danger Room: M-M-Master Splinter...??
The Blue Danger Room: May the 4th be with you (2016)
The Blue Danger Room: How R2-D2 Awakens
The Blue Danger Room: Ever seen 127 Hours
The Blue Danger Room: "I'm always picking up after you boys."
The Blue Danger Room: If they hurt you, hurt them back. If they kill you, walk it off.
The Blue Danger Room: Well, I was born yesterday.
The Blue Danger Room: The Twins AOU Poster
The Blue Danger Room: Captain America AOU Poster
The Blue Danger Room: Hulk Buster AOU Poster
The Blue Danger Room: Some things have no replacements
The Blue Danger Room: Taking Down The Brain
The Blue Danger Room: The Milano, Peter Quill a.k.a. Star-Lord named it after his (and mine) childhood crush @milano_alyssa, so of course I was going to get this set.
The Blue Danger Room: What If Rocket Was In Star Wars
The Blue Danger Room: Guardians Of The Footloose
The Blue Danger Room: Apes On Horses
The Blue Danger Room: Remake Of GOTG Poster
The Blue Danger Room: Lego GOTG Poster
The Blue Danger Room: Simpsons The First Family Of Lego
The Blue Danger Room: Close enough. Probably.