mootzie: The side fringe
mootzie: If I lift my head I can see
mootzie: Got to get that itch
mootzie: Muddy boots
mootzie: You got the look
mootzie: Kleenex not required
mootzie: Did you call my name?
mootzie: Chewing my lunch
mootzie: Plane spotting!
mootzie: Highland strutting-check me!!
mootzie: Windy cows
mootzie: Muddy hooves
mootzie: Eyeballing moment
mootzie: Sniffing me out
mootzie: Fenced in Highlander
mootzie: Highland eyelashes
mootzie: Mini Highland Cow
mootzie: Ginger Duo sporting some highlights
mootzie: Little black beauty
mootzie: My what a long tongue you have?
mootzie: Itchy horns
mootzie: Messy highland fringe
mootzie: It's a bum job but somebody has to scratch it??
mootzie: Nose job
mootzie: Stroppy Cow
mootzie: Those blonde highlights
mootzie: Inquisitive cow
mootzie: Slow moooving traffic
mootzie: Sunlit Cow
mootzie: Strawberry Blonde