Goofy & Flik: 35/365 Just a little chat between friends at the bar
Goofy & Flik: 34/365 Hey! We need a ride!!!
Goofy & Flik: 33/365 Goofy and Flik says hello from ver-o-peso
Goofy & Flik: 33/356 It's time to go
Goofy & Flik: 32/365 Its time to do some shopping...
Goofy & Flik: 31/365 Saturday Night Fever
Goofy & Flik: 30/365 Gina took me to see the steel flower
Goofy & Flik: 29/365 Wow!!!!! The paradise exists!
Goofy & Flik: 28/365 I need some tango action
Goofy & Flik: 27/365 Oh-oh! The surf was great but the water was cold and I think I got a flu.
Goofy & Flik: 26/365 Que voy a hacer mañana?
Goofy & Flik: 25/365 Sugar loaf!!!!! It means: food forever!!!!!!
Goofy & Flik: 24/365 I'm here, now where is Flik?
Goofy & Flik: 23/365 Born to be wild
Goofy & Flik: 22/365 We need some protection to do our master plan.
Goofy & Flik: 21/365 Oh yeah! I'm getting a massage.
Goofy & Flik: 20/365 Tic tac tic tac
Goofy & Flik: 19/365 These plans made me hungry
Goofy & Flik: 18/365 While Goofy learns to fly, I'm training to climb
Goofy & Flik: 17/365 Discussing news ways to achieve our goal. Learn how to fly might be important...
Goofy & Flik: 16/365 Setting the final details. Our plan has to be perfect!
Goofy & Flik: 15/365 Lets do some yoga before tell the world our master plan
Goofy & Flik: 14/365 Finally we're together again. Now we can put our plans into action.
Goofy & Flik: 13/365 Goofy's flight is delayed. Humpf!
Goofy & Flik: 12/365 The meeting was great...Its time to go back home
Goofy & Flik: 11/365 Getting another ally
Goofy & Flik: 10/365 Busy day with friends creating...a master plan
Goofy & Flik: 9/365 Hey Goofy! I'm glad to know you escaped. I'm waiting for your next instructions.
Goofy & Flik: 8/365 Flik, I escaped from the hot dog makers. I'll be away for a while but I'll keep you posted
Goofy & Flik: 7/365 Holy Disney! They killed Goofy!!!!