Rafael Zenon Wagner: the calm after the storm...
Luís Henrique Boucault: Guangzhou & Sunset
flaviogirard: Pantanal - Vidas a preservar.
nerifisio: Garça branca
TC Morgan: I'm in the Rose Garden
shelleyK2: Robin on beach (3517)
Armando Caldas: Banalidades
nerifisio: Bike
nerifisio: Dragonfly
nerifisio: Reflexos de fim de tarde
shelleyK2: Blue Tit
www.jasonarney.com: White Beard
Thales Paiva: Luar do Sertão.
jamesmcentee560: Loch Lomond Scotland
DavidAlan48: Short-eared Owl
Ksan28: Nara deer park
Félix Abánades: 18 Girasoles al atardecer
MSB.Photography: Albufera Valencia. Junio 2013_2
halina.reshetova: Cat- esthete.
Gary Morgan 1072: The Coolest Thing
@aalcantara04: Lajedo Pai Mateus - Cabaceiras, Paraíba - @aalcantara04
Rein Domingo: LaPerouseStarTrail
Kwanchai_K: Fuji-san in the morning