frisk_gallery: Reflections [Explore]
frisk_gallery: Playing with a f/1.0 lens
frisk_gallery: The view in the other direction
frisk_gallery: Red and yellow autumn
frisk_gallery: Waiting for the show to start [Explore]
frisk_gallery: Relaxed
frisk_gallery: Old, but still around
frisk_gallery: By the shore (and the dead whale) [Explore]
frisk_gallery: At the bar
frisk_gallery: A path through the wilderness
frisk_gallery: Into the hot earth [Explore]
frisk_gallery: Buried alive
frisk_gallery: Icelandic wildflower
frisk_gallery: Jumping as the sun sets
frisk_gallery: Dicentra spectabilis
frisk_gallery: Meconopsis betonicifolia (Himalayan blue poppy)
frisk_gallery: Ice cold
frisk_gallery: Eyjafjallajökull - the view from my house [Explore]
frisk_gallery: Three spoons of light
frisk_gallery: Scorched earth
frisk_gallery: The lonely pole
frisk_gallery: The fly and the lily
frisk_gallery: Path to nowhere
frisk_gallery: Lighthouse in moonlight [Explore]
frisk_gallery: Sunrise at Skálholt
frisk_gallery: Stones, stones, stones and more stones
frisk_gallery: Proud and spiky
frisk_gallery: Waiting for the boat
frisk_gallery: Halifax boardwalk
frisk_gallery: An island in the sea of sheep