Ben Heine: Ocean Mountains
keri: imaginary_world
keri: touch of genius
keri: living univers
keri: researching chaos these days.
keri: "Complicate your garden so it's surprising, like uncultivated land." --John Cage
keri: feldman
Distressed Textures: Winged Assistance
Distressed Textures: To feel sorrow, or remorse
Distressed Textures: Simpler Lives Peaceful Minds
Cluster Festival: Cluster Festival 2010
Cluster Festival: Cluster Festival 2010
Cluster Festival: Cluster 2010
Cluster Festival: Cluster Festival 2010
Cluster Festival: Cluster Festival 2010
Cluster Festival: Cluster Festival 2010
Cluster Festival: Cluster Festival 2010
Adrian J.K. Shum, CGD: 2011TEDxMB_108
Guib_Did: Rising Sun !!
Lake Crimson: Midas Beach
Lake Crimson: Ripples
abdallahh: arche du rocher Percé vue de près
louuiss: Le chercheur d'émeraudes
-plusmoins-: DSCF4710_023
Leadtowill: Sawxyl
jbach: N'Nato Camara and Alpha Yaya Diallo