Susan Roehl: Leopard On The Prowl (Panthera pardus)
rio en medio - Jose On/Off: Garza real - Ardea cinerea
Simply Viola ( Busy +off-on ): Lucy the gymnast 。◕‿◕ღ
dorrisd: Tender & sweet
dahowes: Lean on me!
danob2: Cry Tough
speyrod: Soaring
Naeem Ghauri: PEACOCK By Muhammad Naeem Ghauri
srinivasan44: I am watching you ............
J Centavo: Texas Recluse Spider - Loxosceles devia
dahowes: Copy cat!
J Centavo: Happy Thanksgiving!
rio en medio - Jose On/Off: Paseando en la niebla
antoni targarona i gibert: PENÍSCOLA, AL MIG DEL MAR I EL CEL (Baix Maestrat) País Valencià
Jomaiz: Aguila Calva ó Pigardo
Kiril Jordanoski: Farfallina
Glenda Morelock/: 037 # 479 EXPLORE
kbcmartin: Wedding_MyCamera 044
Ray Chiarello: Tiger Swallowtail on Red Bird of Paradise
Susan Roehl: Elephant Closeup
Betty Spencer: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Trish Hamme: Miss Truffles meets Orchid [ Explored ]
rhennau: glass_flower_03_sm
ninoximages: Double-barred finches