Joann aka Jee Whiz!: Light just one candle
Joann aka Jee Whiz!: The organ at St. Joseph’s Oratory
Joann aka Jee Whiz!: Doesn’t need its winter coat any more
Denis Goulet: General Electric
Joann aka Jee Whiz!: I think my house is over that way
Joann aka Jee Whiz!: Glad that's not my car
Joann aka Jee Whiz!: Ack, it's Monday!
LilBooBear: Glow-in-the-Dark Splatter Cake
LilBooBear: Love in Flight
love_yellow: Vintage Pyrex favorites
love_yellow: Vintage Pyrex favorites
love_yellow: Vintage Pyrex favorites
Joann aka Jee Whiz!: Colours of Quebec: red
Joann aka Jee Whiz!: Colours of Quebec: blue
AquaOwl: Aqua & Green Pyrex Collection
dark_harper: Enamel Steamer Pot
AquaOwl: First finds of 2013 :)
AquaOwl: Valentine's Day Spritz Cookies in Pyrex
AquaOwl: Mint Green, White, and Yellow MCM Kitchen
AquaOwl: Pyrex Ad from Family Circle May 1970
lish706: Collecting Feature - Pyrex
DoNotDestroy®: end of summer celebration
DoNotDestroy®: Max & Marushka
Jade-Li: Vintage Dutch Modern Shelf
lolie jane: Pyrex Cupboard
LilBooBear: Operator, oh could ya help me place this call?
merebearlandon: Unusual 708 Corning Bowl
xkaraxcupcakesx: Pyrex Heaven!!