spot*the*dog*designs: Photo a Day challenge 01.04.2014 Fresh...Cappuccino & Tiramisu
spot*the*dog*designs: Photo a Day challenge ...01.03.2014 ... Relax
spot*the*dog*designs: Photo a Day challenge ... Organize ... 01.02.2013
spot*the*dog*designs: Photo a Day challenge ... A goal... Green light means go for it! 01.01.2014
spot*the*dog*designs: Photo a Day challenge 01.08.2014 Looking up ... Eye to the sky always looking up :)
spot*the*dog*designs: Photo a Day Challenge 01.007.2014 ... In between
spot*the*dog*designs: Photo a Day challenge 01.06.2014 ... Outside
spot*the*dog*designs: Photo a Day challenge 01.05.2014 On the counter..."Oh Domino!" :)
spot*the*dog*designs: Photo a Day challenge 01.13.2014 A building...the old pack house <3
spot*the*dog*designs: Photo a Day challenge 01.14.2014 "Everyday I ... Make coffee" :)
spot*the*dog*designs: Photo a Day challenge 01.15.2014 Shiny...heart & Mr Sun trying today
spot*the*dog*designs: Photo a Day challenge 01.16.2014 Bundle ... Happy mail day! My "one little word" to wear around my neck! Thank you @kraftykash !
spot*the*dog*designs: Photo a Day challenge 01.17.2014 Glass...sunset in glass "Oh people, look among you It's there your hope must lie There's a sea bird above you Gliding in one place like Jesus in the sky We all must do the best we can And then hang on to that Gospel
spot*the*dog*designs: Photo a Day challenge 01.18.2014 Black and white..."Fear not, for I am with thee ..." There in black and white, seven words to make my own. Text from Promises from God for Daily Living
spot*the*dog*designs: Photo a Day challenge 01.23.2014 In my town today and for the next couple :)
spot*the*dog*designs: Photo a Day challenge 01.24.2014 Making...preparation for the show :)
spot*the*dog*designs: Photo a Day challenge 01.25.2014 Laugh...and cry...they managed to bring both to their audiences...a swell group of young people! :)
spot*the*dog*designs: Photo a Day challenge 01.26.2014 Salty...a little jar filled with treasures from the blue water <3
spot*the*dog*designs: Photo a Day challenge 01.27.2014 Broken... "Would I believe you when you say Your hand will guide my every way Will I receive the words You say Every moment of every day Well I will walk by faith Even when I cannot see Well because this broken road
spot*the*dog*designs: Photo a Day challenge 01.28.2014 Something on me ... Snowflakes :)
spot*the*dog*designs: Photo a Day challenge 01.28.2014 Together...Shrek: The Musical
spot*the*dog*designs: Good Friday morning sunrise 01.31.2014 Photo a Day challenge ... Icy "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV
spot*the*dog*designs: Curves...crossroad along the way 02.04.2014 #my_365
spot*the*dog*designs: Bundled dinner 02.05.2014 #my_365
spot*the*dog*designs: Award...I'll give myself this award...The "Put your feet up for 5 minutes" award, in honor of this day and it's end! :) 02.06.2014 #my_365
spot*the*dog*designs: Shapes 02.08.2014 #my_365
spot*the*dog*designs: Begins with l ... Love. Eye to the sky it's there. See??? <3 02.09.2014
spot*the*dog*designs: I am...happy my kitchen is clean. 02.10.2014 #fmsphotoaday
spot*the*dog*designs: Out and about...not venturing to far today... :) 02.12.2014 #fmsphotoaday
spot*the*dog*designs: Heart 02.14.2014