spot*the*dog*designs: Blythe a Day 54/366 02.23.2015 Hot Cocoa
spot*the*dog*designs: 37/366Blythe a Day 02.06.2016Mittens...these will have to do :)
spot*the*dog*designs: For today... 02.03.2016 :)
spot*the*dog*designs: Brownie in a Mug with Vanilla Ice Cream for dessert...Thank yous to my sweet girl! It's delicious! 02.02.2016
spot*the*dog*designs: Cloudy Groundhog Day sky 02.02.2016
spot*the*dog*designs: 33/366 Blythe a Day 01.02.2016 Groundhog shadow here...early Spring on its way!
spot*the*dog*designs: For today... 02.02.2016
spot*the*dog*designs: 32/366 Blythe a Day 02.01.2016 Hello February!
spot*the*dog*designs: 31/366 Blythe a Day 01.31.2016 Cards...our new favorite... :)
spot*the*dog*designs: Every time I pass through this familiar bridge at the top of the "Hill", it's like coming home...each moment spent there is cherished. :) 02.01.2016
spot*the*dog*designs: For today... 01.31.2016
spot*the*dog*designs: 30/366 Blythe a Day 01.30.2016 Transparency ... In a way...
spot*the*dog*designs: Happy mail #1...Thanks Jenn, @soulsfiredesigns!!! It's perfect!!! 01.30.2016
spot*the*dog*designs: X marks the spot in a very pink way sunset sky :) 01.29.2016
spot*the*dog*designs: For today and Happy Birthday mine!!! @happyisgud ❤️ u! 01.30.2016
spot*the*dog*designs: For today... 01.29.2016
spot*the*dog*designs: Blythe a Day 01.28.2016 Emergency...requires....Chocolate :)
spot*the*dog*designs: For today... 01.28.2016
spot*the*dog*designs: Blythe a Day 01.27.2016 Brown
spot*the*dog*designs: Lovely detail and cloudy blue sky 01.27.2016
spot*the*dog*designs: For today... 01.27.2016
spot*the*dog*designs: Loaded Potato and Buffalo Chicken Casserole 4 Thumbs up! 01.26.2016
spot*the*dog*designs: 26/366 Blythe a Day 01.26.2016 Beat it
spot*the*dog*designs: 25/366 Blythe a Day 01.25.2016 Memories...a frig full
spot*the*dog*designs: Fire and Ice sunset sky 01.25.2016
spot*the*dog*designs: Full Moon over Carolina 01.24.2016 #panthers #panthernation #carolinapanthers #keeppounding
spot*the*dog*designs: 24.366 Blythe a Day 01.24.2016 Indoor plumbing...thankful for it with this kind of weather ;)
spot*the*dog*designs: 23/366 Blythe a Day 01.23.2016 Family photo L-R Elyse Joy, Aileen, Pennie, Sparrow, Ruby, LuLu, Bella Grace, Zandy, Clair de Lune and Willow
spot*the*dog*designs: Go Panthers!!! 01.24.2016