spot*the*dog*designs: It's unanimous.... We all enjoyed it!!! Oz the Great and Powerful!!! :)
spot*the*dog*designs: Welcome to Graceson! Shout out and thank you to Sarah and One Off Design Company!
spot*the*dog*designs: Sat pm toones :)
spot*the*dog*designs: Dinner prep tunes... :)
spot*the*dog*designs: 1st spring posies she brought to me ... :)
spot*the*dog*designs: Good morning new day! @daisyannesmile @emmcdaniels @chill_chell @sagwa1
spot*the*dog*designs: My little "Lassie" practicing ;)
spot*the*dog*designs: Pretty one today :) @daisyannesmile @emmcdaniels @chill_chell @sagwa1
spot*the*dog*designs: Why don't brownies stick to a plastic knife? Why do brownies stick to a metal knife???
spot*the*dog*designs: Presentation ~ a bit early 02.21.2013
spot*the*dog*designs: ......And Rocky the Raccoon was born!
spot*the*dog*designs: Nuthin' but blue skies... :)
spot*the*dog*designs: Cold on the Shoulder <3
spot*the*dog*designs: 02.14.2013 Love <3
spot*the*dog*designs: Blythe a Day 02.14 2013 ~ Love
spot*the*dog*designs: Funky intersection sky :)
spot*the*dog*designs: 02.09.2013.Through the looking glass
spot*the*dog*designs: 02.08.2013.More than one
spot*the*dog*designs: 02.07.2013.Use Your Senses
spot*the*dog*designs: Wonderful show!!! Wicked with my girl and our sweet friends, Sweet E & Alliebug!
spot*the*dog*designs: Dinner tonight ... Grilled scallops & sautéed veggies with honey and pineapple :)
spot*the*dog*designs: Nurture ... Thank you Grow Green ... :) 03.22.2013 Capture Your 365
spot*the*dog*designs: Blessed because of these 3 :)
spot*the*dog*designs: The little tag along :)
spot*the*dog*designs: Today's blessing... Thankful for the stranger who came by and offered to snap this pic. She captured my idea exactly. He has a purpose even though we can't see it clearly. "For we walk by faith and not by sight." ~ 2Corinthians 5:7 NIV JoY Dare ...3 gift
spot*the*dog*designs: Happy Birthday to my sweet Momma and their sweet Grandmom!!! <3
spot*the*dog*designs: Today's blessing... My sweet wise and full of life <3 JoY Dare...3 gifts unexpected...~her JoY ~a good result ~a release 10.19.2013
spot*the*dog*designs: Best belly laugh of the decade!!! Car shopping ... locked in backseat of the same car not once but twice...rescued after knocking on the window as a lady parked next to us. :)