phildtankup: DSC_0619
art+works (Steve Shriver): Acanthus-plate12-Renaissance_German-lg
art+works (Steve Shriver): Acanthus-plate18-Belgium-lg
pavelkricka: AAE_2103-C
tina negus: coming....
exfish: Roman Inscription
exfish: Roman Inscription, rustic letters
Tobias-D. Albert: Chicago Poster Exercise
ornamental woodcarving: Château de Versailles
Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland: Initial "C" - from a 12th century mansucript
groenling: Lincoln, cathedral, west doorway, detail
jmc4 - Church Explorer: Yorkshire, Healaugh
Zenith 01: Doorway with Beakheads
houndstooth4: You Gotta Slow Car, But I've Got A Greyhound Can Get Me Outta Here
mym: ...cordiae avgvsta
Monceau: Silver C
ND Wind Twins: The Tip of the Tail - 3/12
chrisinplymouth: Classical Capitals