VickerMonkee: Sometimes you just need to clear your vision
VickerMonkee: “It is the dim haze of mystery that adds enchantment to pursuit”
VickerMonkee: To everything there is a season...
VickerMonkee: All paths are the same, leading nowhere. Therefore, pick a path with heart!
VickerMonkee: …color is like dynamite – dangerous, unless you know how to use it.
VickerMonkee: Man masters nature not by force but by understanding
VickerMonkee: Some days there is nothing more lonely than you and your thoughts....
VickerMonkee: We are each of us in this world an angel with only one wing. In order to fly we must embrace each other...
VickerMonkee: when you least expect it...
VickerMonkee: Silent Lucidity
VickerMonkee: What we have once enjoyed we can never lose...
VickerMonkee: Keep the gate closed...
VickerMonkee: Winter either bites with its teeth or lashes with its tail...
VickerMonkee: Have a seat...
VickerMonkee: The Nemesis
VickerMonkee: Portrait of a Water Dragon...
VickerMonkee: Bring on the color already...
VickerMonkee: You have to want it...
VickerMonkee: It's starting to look better out there...
VickerMonkee: Color... bring it on!
VickerMonkee: Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that, I'll be over here, looking through your stuff...
VickerMonkee: If you believed they put a man on the moon...
VickerMonkee: Fresh squeezed
VickerMonkee: Come in out of the rain
VickerMonkee: Forget-me-not | A wish
VickerMonkee: A little bokeh by chance...
VickerMonkee: Some days all you can do is hold on...
VickerMonkee: Big cloud kinda day...
VickerMonkee: Time passed...