VickerMonkee: Gettysburg
VickerMonkee: NYBG 2013
VickerMonkee: NYBG 2013
VickerMonkee: Let it Rumble...
VickerMonkee: The calmness before the storm...
VickerMonkee: Harley
VickerMonkee: Christmas Elf in the making
VickerMonkee: Harley...
VickerMonkee: Spring Flash Back...
VickerMonkee: Shooting the muse....
VickerMonkee: NYBG Orchid Show
VickerMonkee: Christmas is love in action...
VickerMonkee: My Girl...
VickerMonkee: What? Haven't you seen a duck on the red carpet before?
VickerMonkee: Music Appreciation
VickerMonkee: Carve your name...
VickerMonkee: The Muse
VickerMonkee: Worship...
VickerMonkee: Ezekiel...
VickerMonkee: Hallowed Ground
VickerMonkee: George and James | BB King's Blues Club
VickerMonkee: "One touch of nature... "
VickerMonkee: Water.Falling.
VickerMonkee: Alight
VickerMonkee: We seek not rest but transformation...
VickerMonkee: Life :: It is about the gift not the package it comes in...
VickerMonkee: I am number two...
VickerMonkee: Commencing countdown...
VickerMonkee: The caterpillar does all the work but the butterfly gets all the publicity...
VickerMonkee: Even caterpillars sleep and dream...