Shmangerson: Spooky new routine for Shanks: morning lap around the cemetery before work.
Shmangerson: snowstorm
Shmangerson: image (by Felix)
Shmangerson: Cats love being pointed at
Shmangerson: Freeloader #2: Beezey
Shmangerson: Freeloader #1: Azey
Shmangerson: zombie baby
Shmangerson: baby sister objecting to her costume
Shmangerson: Shark!
Shmangerson: Forced to buy ugly slippers by amused parents
Shmangerson: The thugs of the children's zoo
Shmangerson: First carnival ride, Coney Island
Shmangerson: Halloween-ready
Shmangerson: Turtle about to hatch from its egg
Shmangerson: Subway
Shmangerson: 1 yr 3 mos
Shmangerson: Monster hat, shark gloves
Shmangerson: Ferry ride!
Shmangerson: Sharks
Shmangerson: IMG_4948
Shmangerson: Ready for Halloween!