Chris Fleming: All Roads, Paths, Tracks in Scotland
Donald Noble: Glenmore Light and Shade
stevefaeembra: Glasgow and Environs (QGIS > Blender > QGIS)
stevefaeembra: St Pauls Cathedral Mini World
stevefaeembra: 3d map of Stockbridge, Edinburgh
stevefaeembra: Visualising the UK's largest Conurbations
stevefaeembra: isochrones from edinburgh
stevefaeembra: Animated heatmap mesh distortion with QGIS and Blender
stevefaeembra: Mapping health in the Central Belt
stevefaeembra: perth road network analysis using gephi
Donald Noble: Run Away!
AlexNeto: Distance to playgrounds
SK53 OSM: Nottingham Street Lights used for Routing
Erica _ Fischer: Map tiles with 32MB of OpenStreetMap data
Donald Noble: Looking at Buildings
stevefaeembra: bob esponja
SK53 OSM: Pub Density on OpenStreetMap
gnu1742: 73 Fog
stevefaeembra: History of OpenStreetMap edits in Norway (video)
stevefaeembra: Stockbridge and Comely Bank, 1865/2012
gnu1742: Calton Hill
trevor.patt: CQ_importOSM_RH
stevefaeembra: OpenStreetMap, as it might be shown on a ZX Spectrum
culturevis: Manga Style Space
Donald Noble: Unlit wheel
Matito: Edinburgh's most photogenic locations
Erica _ Fischer: See something or say something: London
stevefaeembra: Chord progessions
breki74: Maperitive in 3D
stevefaeembra: a map of subjective beauty