mat425: Yellow crowned night heron nest
mat425: White ibis
mat425: common nighthawk
mat425: pied xwing
mat425: pied xwing
mat425: 822A6074
mat425: Basalisk stare
mat425: Yellow bellied racer
mat425: Upland sandpiper
mat425: Avocet chicks
mat425: Sharp-tailed grouse chick
mat425: Sharp-tailed grouse
mat425: Wilson's snipe
mat425: sedge wren
mat425: sedge wren
mat425: Scarlet tanager in the beautyberry
mat425: Marbled Godwit
mat425: Common snipe
mat425: Eared grebe family
mat425: Red-throaded loons
mat425: DSC01850
mat425: DSC01588
mat425: Pink footed goose, super cool!
mat425: DSC00657
mat425: DSC00619
mat425: DSC00563
mat425: DSC00561
mat425: DSC00559
mat425: Northern fulmer checking us out!
mat425: Northern gannets were flying close by the lighthouse